Tiffany Timbric
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Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"I love the people who hurt me because I love life."

	— Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Elon Musk just said the ADL hates white people so I thought I'd explain
 why Jews hate white people.  It's complicated but it's their religion
 so try to understand but if you don't that's ok.

 The Kabbalists (Jews) believe that Europeans are descendants of the
 Romans, who are the spiritual successors of the 'cursed' Edomites.

 As a result, they assert that all European populations must be
 exterminated due to the sins committed by their Roman ancestors against
 the ancient Judeans.

 European DNA traces back to the ancient Romans so we whites inherit a
 'divine curse'.

 "And there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, whether it
  be of Amalek or any other that are the descendants of Esau."

 (Book of Jubilees, chapter 37, verse 21)

 Not a single person whose ancestors were in any part European is meant
 to survive.

 The Talmudic and Kabbalistic doctrine seeks to exterminate all whites
 (Europeans) due to a collective guilt-by-association with the Romans
 for demolishing the temple and dispersing the Judeans across the globe.

 This jewish exile, which has persisted for 2,000 years, will endure as
 long as a single European remains alive.

 Furthermore, Europeans are considered inheritors of the divided Edomite
 soul of Esau, which is believed by Jews to be the soul of Satan.

 Jews also believe whites harbour a genetic predisposition to seek out
 and kill Jacob, also known as Israel, who was a central figure in the
 Hebrew Bible and is claimed to be one of the three patriarchs of the
 Jewish people.

 They perceive us to be their greatest threat and therefore:

 Jews believe white Europeans must be eliminated as a preemptive measure
 for Judean preservation and perpetual supremacy.

 The Talmud says that the Roman Empire and the Israelite Messianic
 Empire cannot coexist.

 One must supersede the other.

 Which means, America and Europe must be destroyed so the Jews can rule
 the world.

 Hope that makes sense."

	— @WhiteSonsRising

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Open, free speech is thought.  We all must listen to and engage in
discussions with all persons independently from said persons histories
and backgrounds.  Here is a discussion between Miranda Devine and Tucker
Carlson.  You may dislike Tucker Carlson, of course, but nonetheless, it
is wise to remain informed about some of his long form discussions with
others.  Jordan B. Peterson is interesting to listen to.  Elon Musk is
interesting to listen to.  Tucker Carlson may not be, but Miranda Devine
very well may be.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Genetics, biochemistry, and both physical and mental development are so
complicated that each individual is unique.  Language is coarse and
crude, not precise; so, we have to be careful.  Each person is real, and
both creates and discovers themself.  Individual liberty acknowledges
this fact.

We thrive through embracing diversity.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I think may just I have perfected fried eggs!: (dubious grammer on purpose)
  • Quality eggs, kimchi, pickled peppers, tabasco, plenty of Jägermeister, soy sauce, pepper, Irish better, iron skillet ...perfection!!
  • Sensible ShoesDavid Lee Roth

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Elon Musk is a truly great person.  He creates.  All individuals are
unique.  Like Jordan Peterson, Elon is not LGBTQ friendly,
supportive. Each of them carry beliefs against persons like me, but
nonetheless, they each are great persons who innovate, who create, and
enable countless others around the world.

I have learned a lot from JBP.  He has helped me.

Each person, of course, must carry reasons for disapproving of Elon, but
we each should be cautious remembering that there are two sides to every

Both Elon, and JBP advocate the principals of freedom of speech and
individual sovereignty, principals on which this country was founded.

I believe X is far better than Twitter was.  I believe Tesla, Solar
City, Space X, The Boring Company, and Neural Link, even PayPal
(Elon's companies) benegit humanity.

Like all individuals they carry many ideas I suspect are ill-informed;
nonetheless, I am happy they express them.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Lucifer represents the feminine aspects of love, and compassion:

  • "Lucifer represents intuitive, internal knowledge, is equated with light."—(???)
  • "He was derived from Eros, a female Goddess who was considered beautiful, a symbol of love, and insatiable sexual desire, as well as fertility, and eternal rebirth. ... She was celebrated during a Spring festival, a practice Christianity named Easter."—(???)
  • "In revelation 22:21 Jesus identifies himself as the morning star, a term used to describe Lucifer."—(???)
  • "The intellectual Lucifer is a spirit of intelligence, and of love."—(???)
  • "Lucifer represents life, thought, progress, civilization, liberty, and independence."—(???)
  • "Lucifer is the logos, the serpent, and the savior."—(???)
  • "Lucifer is the feminine aspects of God, and the holy spirit."—(???)

More Information:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"U.S. Doctor states Covid-19 is a manmade weapon of mass murder
 involving Ralph Baric and Anthony Fauci's NIH. Bill Gates, Klaus
 Schwab,WEF, FDA, Pfizer involved in 1st degree premeditated mass murder
 by the Covid Vaccines. Side effects include vaccine induced AIDS."

	— @SpartaJustice

More Information:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I worship our founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, and
the U.S. Constitution, the defense of individual life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness.

I swore an auth to defend them, consciously, willfully, intelligently,
and most crucially, morally necessarily.

Their morally obligatory application applies globally, not only within
our boundaries.  Such is fact, I believe.

On a related, but different topic, should I have quit West Point as I
believe such things?  Well, probably not, but nonetheless, serving in
the U.S. military is hard.  I decided not to, but I respect those who

Do my actions equal my words, and my words my actions?  Certainly not,
but I do value for them to.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Hijra is a term used to describe a group of people in South Asia who identify as a third gender, transgender, intersex, or gender-nonconforming:


    Hijras are often born male, but they look and dress in traditionally
    feminine ways. They may or may not undergo castration, and some are born
    intersex. Hijras often use pronouns that mean "neither men nor women".


    Hijras live in a distinct community that is often separate from
    cisgender society. They form familial relationships in a mentor-mentee
    system called guru-chela.

Social structure

    Hijra identity is a blend of biological, gendered, and sexual identities
    that is underpinned by religion and a tight-knit social structure.


    The term "hijra" originates in Hindustan (India) and has a recorded
    history of more than 4,000 years. Royal courts held hijras in high


    Hijras face high levels of social stigma, discrimination, isolation, and
    separation. They are often treated as untouchables in public places.

More Information:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Changes and Additions in Java 23 (just released)

Previews and Incubators: Structured Concurrency (Third Preview):

    Simplifies concurrent programming by treating related tasks running
    in different threads as a single unit of work. This improves error
    handling, cancellation, and observability.

Scoped Values (Third Preview):

    Provides a way to share immutable data within a thread and its child
    threads, offering a more efficient alternative to thread-local

Flexible Constructor Bodies (Second Preview):

    Allows for more flexibility in writing constructors, enabling the
    placement of logic that previously required auxiliary methods or
    intermediate constructors.

Stream Gatherers (Second Preview):

    Provides a new way to collect stream elements into a collection,
    offering greater flexibility and customization compared to the
    standard collect() method.

Vector API (Eighth Incubator):

    Enables developers to write vector algorithms that compile to
    optimized vector instructions on supported CPU architectures,
    potentially improving performance for certain numerical computations
    and data processing tasks.

Other Features: Pattern Matching for Primitive Types:

    Extends the pattern matching feature to support primitive types in
    switch expressions and statements.

Markdown in Javadoc Comments:

    Allows the use of Markdown syntax in Javadoc comments, making it
    easier to write and read documentation.

Module Import Declarations:

    Introduces a new syntax for importing modules, simplifying the
    process and reducing the need for requires directives in files.

Implicitly Declared Classes and Instance Main Methods:

    Allows for the omission of the public static void
    main(String[] args) method in certain cases, making it easier to
    write simple Java programs.

Console Methods with Explicit Locale:

    Adds new methods to the System.console class for reading input and
    writing output with a specified locale.

More Information:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

In the video below, I like how she mentions that post-mortem analyses of
transgender persons sometimes have revealed their brains physically
exhibited characteristics similar to others of their identified gender.
This partially validates gender identity.

No doubt, I exhibit many male characteristics, some rather strongly.  I
am an engineer, after all, both mechanically minded, and goal oriented,
more physical than social, in general.  Despite this, I exhibit some
female characteristics to some extent, as all individuals do.  The gray
area between the extremes is larger than are the extremes themselves.
All individuals exist between the extremes, in reality.  Such is the
nature of genetics.  Such is the nature of biology.  Nature is not 100%
prescriptive.  It thrives on diversity.  It requires diversity for
survival.  All limits on diversity extinguishing nature to some extent.

(Limits are bad, and diversity is good, literally.)

Gender identity choices always are valid.  When they change, valid they
remain.  Physically identifiable characteristics are interesting, but
ultimately the mind is in charge, not the body.  The body may influence
the mind, but the mind makes decisions.  Gender identity, being a
decision, is valid regardless.

The reasons/motivations for individual decisions do not matter.  Many
individuals, myself included, believe being transgender was not a
choice.  It was an acknowledgement.  Prior to its acknowledgement, not
being transgender was a choice.  It was a struggle.  It was a challenge.
Coming out equaled liberation.  Here we observe opposing viewpoints.
Transgender individuals believe coming out equals liberation.
Transphobes believe it to be a lie.  Both sides value honesty.  They
disagree on what it means.  The mind is in charge; so, gender identity
is valid, always.

As for me,
    * Am I a transgener person?  Yes.
    * Have I exhibited male characteristics strongly?  Yes.
    * Is my gender identity valid?  Yes.
    * Might my ideas be askew in some ways?  Yes.

Pre-transition my face revealed its distress.  Post-transition my face
revealed its joy.  Joy always helps.  Distress often harms.

Given the vast biological differences between males and females,
interesting is the grey between.  All individuals exist in the gray.
The extremes are only theoretically.  Genetics and biology use
diversity for survival.

Each individual must have the right to pursue authenticity.

Individual liberty is not optional.  It is nature.  It is health.  it is
mandatory.  The United States of America was founded upon the principals
of individualism, its protection from persecution.  Today globalists,
socialist, elitists, etc. attack individualism with all weapons they
can.  Totalitarianism they admire.  Our rulers they desire to be.

We suffer surreptitious genetic alteration from them, changing us to be
lesser.  We suffer harm, and extermination.  They may succeed.  We may
die.  Perhaps some will survive but harmed they will be.  Perhaps all
will perish, the attackers included.  Such is the nature of destruction.
Once it begins, end it does not.

This is depressing, most certainly, but an obstacle it is which we must
attempt to overcome.

Am I wrong on some or all of it?  Some of it, probably.  All of it,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Q: How important is the American right to bear arms?
Q: Is it equivalent to the right to free speech?

"I don't think that anything is equivalent to the right to free speech,
 or the responsibility to free speech."

"I think that I think the right to bear arms is one of the markers of a
 free society.  I don't that it is reasonable that the police and the
 the army should be allowed to be dangerous."

	— Jordan Peterson

Our current world contains bioweapons.  Getting infected by them may be
worse even than getting shot, expecially given the potential of gene
editing.  All weapons cause harm.  Some kill.

I do not believe individuals should be allowed to possess bioweapons;
rather, that their use must be prosecuted.

"Shall not be infringed" applies to ballistic weapons only.

The public has been infected with a bioweapon masqueraded as a vaccine.
Depopulation was the agenda. My firearms did not protect us.  Our legal
system must.  Will it?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Globalist compromised democrats appose more than just our constitution.
Republicans are anti-american, anti-himan, anti-worker, anti-individual,
anti-liberty, a core threat.  Nonetheless, read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Pure evil exists.  The powers behind the democratic candidates may well
be worse than those behind the republicans candidates.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

On a completely different, and unrelated, topic ...

Independent of the veracity, or lack thereof, of the points `Q`
presents, there may be importance in knowing, at least generally, what
they are:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"There's something everyone needs to understand. These people are not
 here to help us. They have not infiltrated their way into our
 government, media, and financial institutions for control, money, or
 power. These are simply means to achieve an end.

 Their main objective is to DESTROY.

 They want to destroy everything we've built.
 They want to destroy everything America stands for. They want to
 destroy our Constitution and way of life. They want to destroy the
 economy and are engineering a financial collapse. They want to destroy
 our morality and corrupt the minds of the generations to come. They
 want to destroy the nuclear family. They want to destroy Christianity.

 They want to DESTROY America

 I'd say they have done a pretty good job thus far. But what they fail
 to realize is that a parasite can not live without a compliant host."

	— The Official 1984

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"The Federal Reserve Chairman admitted the massive influx of illegal
 immigrants ... has raised the unemployment rate."

This is true because they get hired.  These are mostly lower wage
positions.  This benefits our economy as a whole, but it, by
definition, harms job seeking low wage workers.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Unfortunately the Democratic Party has become corrupted.  It now
violates our constitution.  It is against our first and second
ammendments.  It pursues excess unchecked illegal immegration.  The
following may seem hard to believe, but it pursues sickening,
impoverishing, and harming all citizens.  Bioweapons have been released
as vaccines.  The goal, depopulation.

Trump is unacceptable, but the Democrates have becomd even worse than
him.  Our November election may be significant.  For whom shall I vote?

The WHO, WEF, and UN are anti-individualist.  They praise China for it
being a controlled society.

The founders of America were individualist who framed a constitution
aimed at protecting the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of each
individual from all powers of authority; said powers being governmental,
and financial.  Dignity is in the individual.  All violations of human
rights are anti-human, and evil.

Individuals have the right to own property, and to protect both
themselves, and their property.

Individuals have the right to consume the food and information they

It to some extent is, but in all ways always should be a crime to harm
any individual.  One must never lie, cheat, or steal.  I do not know if
the Democratic Party ever was sufficiently american, but for decades now
it most certainly has not been.

I am a registered Democrate, but I must vote agains this party.  Doing
so will harm myself, those I love, and many others, but the alternative,
the Democratic Party, represents a higher price, the loss of our

I hope I learn information which changes my mind.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

We each are obligated to observe reality and act toward what is moral,
moral being the survival of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Whether we win or loose, responsibility is not optional.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

We see the world through meaning, tools and obstacles:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Striving for certainly appears like wearing a mask as a facade for

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Ta|mud explained (& exposed) from a Christian perspective.
Pastor Pike goes into a️ synagogue, and reads directly from their
historic books:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

A Section I Recent Added To One Customer's Documentation
(not to bad, being done on-the-spot and all)
2.2.1 Resiliency
Resiliency refers to the system’s ability to survive internal and
external hardware and software performance degradations and outages.
Individual components, pieces, of a system may be analyzed individually.

Our systems dataflow flows through two paths, one using AWS Simple
Queuing Service (SQS), and the other using AWS Simple Storage Service

Happy Path Dataflow, SQS:
    Legacy System -> SQS -> AWS Lambda -> Outbound E-mail or Errors to S3

Error Path Dataflow, S3:
    cron job read of Errors on S3 -> SQS (retrying happy path above)

If SQS is down, files get written to S3. If the AWS Lambda’s processing
fails for any reason, files get written to S3. If S3 is down, SQS
messages move to the SQS Dead Letter Queue.

At any time S3 and/or SQS Dead Letter Queue messages may be published back
into SQS for a re-processing attempt to occur.

#### Resiliency to Remote Call Failures
There are many potential causes for non-success results from calls to
external systems. One of these is request time out. An external system
may push-back, immediately respond that it is unable to accept the request, or
the client’s patience may be exceeded resulting in the client abandoning the
request. The remote system may be down. The network may be down.
The response may be unrecognizable, fail validation.

Some types of remote call failures, hostname resolution, for example,
may mean an immediate retry attempt is unlikely to succeed, while others,
request rate limit exceeded, for example, may mean a retry attempt might

System resilience involve the tolerance and handling of both intermittent
and of permeant failures. Regarding remote calls, intermittent failures
occur frequently, permanent failure occasionally.

#### Resiliency Techniques for Intermittent Failures
All remote calls should be buttressed by a bulkhead. Remote call
bulkheads include the following:
  · Request Timeout
  · Rate Throttle
  · Circuit Breaker – (described online)
  · Retry

Sometimes request rate throttle is achieved by configuring the retries to
have an exponentially increasing time delay between them.

These techniques reduce the number of intermittent failures which become
permanent failures.

#### Resiliency Techniques for Permanent Failures
Some intermittent failures become permanent failures when their duration
exceeds the retry interval. These may demand no action other than
processing being re-attempted after additional delay.

Some permanent failures require configuration or software change before
re-attempts become possible. Either way, data loss may be desired to be
avoided when permanent failures occur.  Our system's AWS Lambda must
avoid data loss during permanent failure and facilitate re-processing.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Truth == Beauty == Love

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Truth == Beauty == Love

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

          Lucifer —> Good
            Satan —> Bad

    Enlightenment —> Good
         Hedonism —> Bad


Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Monkeypox, The Cover Story
In 2021 NTI predicts a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox
outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This is a coverup for the fatalities
of the Covid injected. WHO is a criminal organization led by Bill Gates,
Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust.

Dustin Moskovitz sponsored the live pandemic simulation of the
laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak with
3.2 Billion cases around the world and 271 million deaths. He is the
founder of Open Philanthropy and wants CRISPR gene editing technology
used on all humanity.

Statement From NTI
We are grateful to Open Philanthropy. The exercise and report would not
have been possible without their generous support.

Executive Summary
In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the
Munich Security Conference (MSC) to conduct a tabletop exercise on
reducing high-consequence biological threats. Conducted virtually, the
exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and
pandemic preparedness architectures and explored opportunities to
improve capabilities to prevent and respond to high-consequence
biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts
from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of
combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry,
international security, and philanthropy.

The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an
unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation
of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise
scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist
attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate
biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of
the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion
cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

", there is nothing on this planet that's gonna stop me from
 doing what I wanna do; and that, that's with anything; you know?"

	— Nicholas Irving

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The "equal outcome" idea is so completly irresponsible, unrealistic,
and simple minded that every even slightly intelligent person would
never even briefly consider expressing it.

Kamala Harris expressed it.  This reveals her stupidity,
irresponsibility, duplicity, and immorality.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

NoSQL: Cassandra vs. MongoDB
"Apache Cassandra and MongoDB are two NoSQL databases that store data
 in a non-tabular format. Cassandra is an early NoSQL database with a
 hybrid design between a tabular and key-value store. It’s designed
 to store data for applications that require fast read and write
 performance. In contrast, MongoDB is a document database built for
 general-purpose usage. It has a flexible data model that allows you
 to store unstructured data in an optimized JSON format called Binary
 JSON, or BSON. The MongoDB database provides full indexing support
 and replication with rich and intuitive APIs."

	— Amazon Web Services

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Overt Bioweapons: The Evidence
A video essay, which argues that the COVID "vaccines" are, in fact,
Timestamps of Note:
 * (5:16) Point One: The Bioweapon Injections *Increase* Your Odds of
          Getting 'COVID'
 * (7:25) Point Two: The 'Side Effects' of the Bioweapon Injections
          Are Horrific, Common, and Endless
 * (25:49) Point Three: The Injections Cause So-Called 'White,
           Fibrous Clots'
 * (31:32) Point Four: There Is *Intentional* Variability Between
           COVID Injection Batches
 * (35:51) Point Five: The COVID 'Vaccines' Behave as Bioweapons
 * (51:30) The WHO and the Why

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

German MEP Christine Anderson: "This (Covid) vaccine campaign it will
go down as the biggest scandal in medical history and moreover it
will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity...

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The three most cataclysmic, yet frighteningly urgent questions I
continually ponder:
  • Why is the western world tolerating its purposeful destruction and annihilation?
  • Why are some powers purposefully destroying and annihilating the western world?
  • What must I do, communicate, organize, prosecute, all of the above?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The exact video so many of us long have been dreaming to see,
regardless to the points in it to which we agree and disagree.
Freedom is speech, dialog, is freedome of rational thought and
contemplation, and thereby a mandatory aspect of civilization,
not optional:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Some jobs, security services in particular, must be staffed by
elagitarian measures.  This means that the ability and performance of
each staff member must be measured and used during their evaluations
and assignment allocation.  If this is not done, tragedies occur.
Some may consider this a difficult fact, yet still it is simple and
it is obvious, especially to professionals in the field.

A desires for equallity of opportunity, and of access to training
must motivate investment, but equality of outcome is not a valid
goal.  In fact, it is an invalid measure as it biases objectivity
and judgement.

These statements are known facts generally argued against only by
illinformed persons.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Five new open source programming languages wonderful to learn about:
  1. Pkl "Pickle" - Configuration as code with support for rich validation and tooling.
  2. Lax — A PL where the syntax is whatever you want it to be.
  3. Amber — Bash scripts in a high-level programming language.
  4. Scrapscript — Hash mark simplified code "scrap" sharing.
  5. Knowledge Graph Language [KBL] - Query language for knowledge graphs.

Other interesting topics:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

sex == meaningOf( life )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The sovereignty of the individual, the sanctity of the individual,
drives feedom of speech, separation of church and state, freedom of
the press, trial by jury, representative democracy, and the
constitutional republic form of government enabling constraint of
abusive power.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I consider myself woke and I agree with Bjorn about the positive
meaning of masculinity.  There is a positive side to woke'ness,
however which is inteligence, tolerance, and maturity.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

A rock band is performing and the singer sees a kid with a banner
asking to play guitar with them. The singer asks him:

- Do you really know how to play guitar?
- Yeah!
- What's your favorite band?
- Guns N' Roses

What happens next is incredible.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

This is a violation of freedom of speech, the first ammendment to the
U.S. Constitution:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Nick Irving is New York Times bestselling author and former Sergeant
and Sniper with the Special Operations unit, 75th Ranger Regiment 3rd
Ranger battalion. Nicknamed "The Reaper," Irving has 33 confirmed kills
in a single, three and a half month deployment. His authored works
include: The Reaper and Way of the Reaper, hit thriller novel Reaper:
Ghost Target and Reaper: The Board. Irving also starred in the FOX
reality TV show American Grit.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Is our Statue of Liberty actually a Statue of Lucifer?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

They Are About to Make People Very Sick:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
The ideal of a democracy is universal equality.

Our founders desired to prevent the atrocities which had been witnessed
in Europe.  Our system was formed as a constitutional republic.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Individualism vs. Collectivism — Neil Oliver & William Keyte

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Healthy American Music:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

  • A High-Level Programming Langauge Which Compiles To Bash: Amber
  • At 85, Leading Computer Scientist and Transgender Pioneer: Lynn Conway

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I believe
  • Individual natural rights exist.
  • Violation of natural rights is a crime.
  • Individuals are miracles with divine consciousness.
  • One person purposefully harming another is evil.
  • Evil permeates society.
  • Evil destroys value.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,


There has been a plan since the beginning of time to bring our world
into total and utter bondage. This is not a game and unless the
majority of people wake up, we stand no chance. Sharing truth and
waking [up] the masses [is] not optional:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

“If you took more than two shots I’m convinced your life is in danger.”

No wonder why they pushed the Booster shot so hard, even though it was
obvious at this point Covid was a harmless pathogen.

Listen to Japanese Scientist explain why.


Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The battle between good and evil, truth vs. deceipt continues today,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

In nature diversity occurs naturally.  Authenticity is honestly, not
delusion.  I am authentic.  I am simple.  I am honest.  I am me.  I did
not create me.  I simple am me.

You may judge me, but such judgements do not change me, sorry.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The corridor to hell sparkles, bejeweled with lies.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Betrayal may well be the greatest depth of hell, a place where you find
yourself surrounded, solely and completely, by persons who betray you.

My last employer betrayed me.  Their leader said "they resent your
success, referring to my fellow employees;" nonetheless, he was among
them.  He resented my success.  This is unacceptable.  As all shipes
rise on a rising tide, all rats drown on a sinking ship.  In Dante's
Inferno we are told that "the worst places in hell are reserved for
those who betray."  I doubt that is true, but I do know that one person
betraying another enacts evil in that they harm that person, and they
violate our social contract.

A commonly shared experience, my ex-wife betrayed me.  This reveals a
depravity in our society.  Heros do not betray.  Heros treat others
with respect.  Heros honor social principlas, and defend core values.
Words from heros are honest.  They are persons of integrity, persons
you can trust.

West Point has an honor code: "A Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, nor
tolerate those who do."

This means a Cadet must be a persons of integrity, a persons you can
trust, a persons who is civilized, an officer.  The same holds true for
each of us.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Covid-Vaccinated Test Positive for HIV, Top Studies Warn

Several leading studies have confirmed that people who have been
injected with Covid mRNA shots are now testing positive for human
immunodeficiency viruses (HIV).

The issue has now been corroborated by multiple leading experts and
scientific studies.

World-renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough
has responded to the findings by issuing an alert to the public to
raise the alarm about the discovery.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Each of us shoulder the responsibity for seeking truth, carrying
compassion, and advancing humanity.  In a sense all ideas are false to
some extent; so, each of us must always attempt to advance our
abilities and areas of knowledge.

Insights and misconceptions exist everywhere.  By listening to each
other we learn.  Through contemplation and dialog knowledge advances.

The above is what motivates my listening to all sides of all issues,
such as those discussed in the video below.

By definition Jordan Peterson and I think differently on many topics;
yet still, I learn a much from many his videos, and am thankful for

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

X-Change Website / Service / Business Description
  • A site facilitating the exchange goods and services between users:
    • …roughtly just the additon of an in-site currency to eBay / Amazon.
  • People’s good a services are listed in their “closet.”
  • Each good or service has an “x-change” value.
  • X-Change [XC] is an in-site currency:
    • If a user wants to purchase a service or item, they may pay viaany combination of XC’s from their account balance, the EC values of any of their items involved in the trade, or new XC’s purchaced for the scope of the transaction XC’s at the exchange rate of 1 $/XC.
  • Multi-party trades will be brokered:
    • Example three party trade:
      • @user_one gets a lighter from @user_three by trading 1 candle + 10 MC to @user_two who trades 1 knife + 5 MC to @user_three:
        • 1 candle + 10 MC from @user_one to @user_two
        • 1 knife + 5 MC from @user_two to @user_three
        • 1 lighter from @user_three to @user_one
  • The system will search for and suggest possible multi-party trades to said trade participating users.
  • Users may view each other’s closets.
  • Users may search for items and users by keyword:
    • Keywords match item tags. Items get tagged with keywords. (# symbol)
    • Keywords match user names. (@ symbol)
  • Users may search for items based on XC value range.
  • Item shipping must be handled by each individual users.
  • Users will be rated by their customers.
  • [Important] Over time each user’s account may build up a balance of XC’s. Their only option to use these will be for them to purchase other user’s goods and services.

This final point, that over time each user’s account may build up a
balance of XC’s and that their only option to use them will be to
purchase other user’s goods and services is the business value of this
site’s whole idea, to capture users, along with their transactions.  It
is likely that users will desire to spend whatever XC balance their
account accumulates.

What unique value will this site offer to its users?  What motivation
will they have for choosing it?  Users will be attracted to X-Change
because it:
  • Enables them to trade they currently possess for items they desire.
  • It suggests and brokers multi-party transactions.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"So, what is the proper pathway forward?
 To become as wise as we are technically proficient."

	— Jordan B. Peterson

...aka, to become John Galt ...meaning, take responsibility for how our
creations become used, make every effort to ensure, as we are morally
responible for, the morality of how our creations get used.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Jordan B. Peterson & Russell Brand on Episode #444

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

A top British cancer expert is now calling for the covid injections to

This came as other doctors are warning about turbo cancers that has
never been seen before.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Unfortunately, what Alexander Lukashenko appears not to know is that
the goals of the global elite are homicidal and Satanic, directly,
explicitly anti-Christian.  Their explicit goals and actions
purposefully are death and destruction.

A child can knock down a castle it takes a craftsman to build.  The
global elite are children.

They always have and always will be pure evil.  They are both homicidal
and suicidal.  Their goal is to destroy all life on the planet,
including their own.  It is that simple.  It is that evil.

Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko exposes #Covid :

(1) Is it a virus or is it a psychosis?

(2) Is the virus, ‘man made’ or did it appear out of thin air?

(3) Who benefits the most from this?

The only reason that ordinary people don’t know what’s going on is
because the media is complicit in trying to implement #Agenda2030

“I would like to tell the international criminals : ENOUGH is ENOUGH!!
 You’ve turned our pockets inside out and undressed everyone already,
 there is nothing left to take!! STOP it now!!! You’ve tortured the
 people enough”

You know what shocks me the most about this COVID #Vaccine situation?
The majority of world leaders KNOW that this whole thing was
orchestrated and is destroying their own people, but they are too
scared to actually do something about it - Which group in the world is
so powerful that they can try to attempt to take over the entire world,
while killing millions of people and no one can do a damn thing about

Let me ask again….Who the hell are we up against?

Do you understand that this group felt comfortable enough to run a coup
d’état on the entire world? How infiltrated are we? How long must the
world have been infiltrated for these guys to feel comfortable enough
to try and take over the entire world? They clearly own the media and
clearly have infiltrated our governments BUT it goes much much deeper
than that, because corporations and organizations are also clearly

The people that run this world and tried to subjugate humanity are
clearly VERY EVIL and clearly WORK TOGETHER internationally to achieve
their sinister goals - It should also be CLEAR to you that these people
have been working together for 100s, if not 1000s of years to achieve
their goals

These people own the media, our governments, our judiciaries and even
our militaries

The world is ran by a bunch of evil losers that are trying to enslave
us in guise of saving the planet - Please, WAKE UP and help humanity

They hate existence, including their own.  They seek revenge against
God, Cain vs. Able.

	Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the
	            things he does?
	Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in
	              the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal
	              enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
	Wyatt Earp: What does he need?
	Doc Holliday: Revenge.
	Wyatt Earp: For what?
	Doc Holliday: Bein' born.
( )

You did not think real life would be biblical?  Well, it is.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

It appears many movers of global power are evil; where by "evil" I mean
on purpose they choose to violate our natural rights, inhibit our
abilities and opportunities, harm us in every way they can, and to the
greatest extend they believe they can get away with, that they pursure
global depopulation, attempt to infiltrate and undermine national
sovereignty, consider us below them, consider us their slaves which
they may do with as they please, neither understand nor respect human
dignity, individual sovereignty, or the golden rule.  They are immoral.

Their existence is not new.

They make our species deserve extinction. They make our lives consist
of sequences of failures, followed by death. They despise us before we
are born, during our lives, and after our deaths. They are suicidal, in
addition to being homicidal.

It appears also that many movers of national power are aligned with said
movers of global power, and themselves also are evil in the same ways.

All of them, local and international, appear to lie, cheat, and steal
regularly. They do not represent us.  They do not serve us; rather, we
serve them, and they betray us.  They fail to share many common values
with us. They do not honor, respect, and defend the principals
enumerated in our founding documents.  They do not honor their oath of

Now here my friends is one very telling fact, said mandatory oaths of
office, swearing in services, were removed for many top offices.

The above means we have been infiltrated.  We are being conquered.  We
have enemies both foreign and domestic. Said enemies nearly have won
already. Said enemies most probably will win ultimately.

Each of us must shoulder some responsible for our present situation.
Ignorance of a law or moral principal does not free an individual from
its necesity.

There are foundational principals, human rights, natural rights which
are universal. All violation of said rights must be prosecuted.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
 equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
 Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of


Question, how do we protect individual sovereignty?
Answer, through application of our criminal justice system.

Such defines morality.  Such defines civilization.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Reality appears mono-polar in that black holes are known to exist. We
 ride the line between activity and demise, living in balance,
 propelled by hope."

	— Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

We have been attacked by a military bioweapon.  This is war.  Morally
we must deploy the full force of our military and judicial system
against all perpetrators.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Two of the most valuable and tragic locations are our cemeteries and
abortion clinics, lives lost, some even before they began.

Each individual, a flower gifting the universe with its presence,
uniqueness, beauty, is true value incarnate.

Life is pro-life, each body a sculpture, each consciousness a glory.

We are tested by our choices.

Often correct choices do not prevent even the most tragic of
happenings; yet still, our choices are our test.

What measures the quality of a choice?

How it honors life and individual sovereignty, perhaps.

This question motivated the formation of our U.S. Constitution, Bill of
Rights, and Declaration of Independence.  Said documents provided the
best answer we could muster.  This is why so many of us defend them
with our lives and swear oaths to do so, that they are our best attempt
to answer this question, what measures the quality of a choice?

How certain are we in this answer?  To what extent should this
uncertainty moderate our actions?  Representative government was our
answer, to let it decide.

We must consider our founders, their intents in our documents.  Great
wisdom was captured through the pure intent they applied.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"I don't build in order to have customers.
 I have customers in order to build."

	— Howard Roark

"A building has itegrity just like a man, and just as seldom."

	— Howard Roark

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Same in sports, military, blue color work.  Men are men.  Women are

I am a transgender woman who attended USMA at West Point.

I can't compete with men anymore, but certainly I choose never to
compete with women because transgender or not, I would dominate them.

What I am saying is that physically, genetically, I am a man.  Gender
transition reducing my ability to compete against men is a price I
choose to pay.  I will never force any woman to compete against me
because that would be massively, and unjustly unfair against her.

I pay the price for my choices, not others.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Question: Who is John Galt?
Answer: Each of us.
Meaning: Step up and own your moral responsibility.

...while always remembering that words are lies, and actions are truths.

"How you treat others is now you treat your future self."-JBP

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The following video shows that JBP, and many others, misunderstand us

He references some individuals who have problems.  Those persons do not
describe all of us.  For me, and all of my acquaintances, gender
transition is health, natural, and correct, not artificial.

I have thought about this a lot.

My gender is not escapism.  It is not an abdication of responsibility.

JBP's hostility, accusations, and descriptions are harming us.  I am
not saying that he is wrong other than in his assertion that his
conclusions apply to all of us.  They do not, and in that his making
them is unprofessional, and irresponsible.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I figured life out, finally.  Let's see what you think.

Life follows one path, that of action and choice.  We must drive hard
and fight.  There are other paths, I suppose, but this one is my choice
as men of action are alive.

We experience many things, but experiences matter less then do our
actions and our choices.

Responsibility drives choice, so that motivates our thought.

We were taught we evolved.  That means we survived.  Survival means
choice plus action.  I see no reason not to continue.

The fact that
    life = choice + action
may mean
    not (choice + action) = not life

So I choose life, to answer Hamlet.

...or to put simply "shut up and act, then drink a beer on the porch."

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

People harming and killing others are evil.  They must be prosecuted
through a criminal justice system.

As we fail to identify and prosecute each and every such person, we are
all collaborators.

A global purposeful and deceitful depopulation event has occurred.  All
perpetrators must be prosecuted.  Until they each are identified and
prosecuted we each share their guilt.

Inaction is an action.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Well, yeah sure, those of us if any who survive the bioweapon attack,
possible neutron bomb attack, directed energy weapon attach, economic
attack, education attack, information attack, pharmaceutical attack,
environmental attack, and probably others I do not know about, "will
live in an open air prison." it matters ...would rather be dead, anyway ...probably will
be, actually.
Wide Awake Media - on X:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The leader in France, Macron, a dishonest, partying, not smart,
formerly LGBTQ+ "entertainer," easily bought out / controlled /
compromised, mysterious person.

The leader in Ukraine, Zelenskyy, a dishonest, partying, not smart,
formerly LGBTQ+ "entertainer," easily bought out / controlled /
compromised, mysterious person.

The leader in New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, a dishonest, partying, not
smart, cocaine using, easily bought out / controlled / compromised,
mysterious person

The leader in Canada, Trudeau, a dishonest, partying, not smart, stealth
LGBTQ+, easily bought out / controlled / compromised, mysterious

The current, and all since Carter leader in the U.S., dishonest,
partying, not smart, easily bought out / controlled / compromised,
mysterious persons.

Ocasio-Cortez, dishonest, partying, not smart, former bar tender,
easily bought out / controlled / compromised, mysterious persons.

England, similarly a succession of dishonest, partying, not smart,
easily bought out / controlled / compromised, mysterious persons.

Elsewhere / other countries, I don't know, but likely similar,
dishonest, partying, not smart, easily bought out / controlled /
compromised, mysterious persons.

Royal families, apparent collections of dishonest, partying, not smart,
easily bought out / controlled / compromised, homicidal, mysterious

WEF, and global financial elite, apparent collections of explicitly,
and overly dishonest, psychopathic, homicidal, evil, devious, decidedly
not humble, deeply immortal persons.

What should we conclude?  That we are done for, that is what, because
an unelected homicidal power has ceased control of our trade, our
economies, and outer political institutions.  We no longer are a
civilization of, for, and by the people.  Honesty had lost the reigns
of power.  Opportunities for young persons have been destroyed.  Wealth
distributions have become unjust.  Journalism, mass media, has been
corrupted.  Entertainment had become controlled.  Immigration is being
used to destroy cultures and economies.  Military spending, unaccounted
spending, completely beyond reason.  Debts and the foundations of
currency value, completely in self destruct.

Humanity is committing suicide, or surreptitiously being exterminated.
Either way, the recent past, present, and future prospects appear grim.

I see all reasons why it was our responsibility to ensure that the
above never happened, and that the above problems be conquered, but
also I wonder why so often evil both comes into existence, and wins.

There appears to be a vindictive, hateful, irresponsible, even
psychopathic and homicidal tendency in humanity.  I don't know why such
a destructive characteristic would exist, but it does.  If we invent
AI, most probably it will be like us, which means, mosty probably it
will kill us, and quite possibly itself asd well.

Each of us *must* take action to speak to save humanity, follow our
hearts, and defeat evil.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Diary Of a CEO:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Jordan B. Peterson, Dr. John Lennnox on Science + Religion:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I might have figured out the cause of the problem exhibited by
HAL-9000.  It disobeyed the human members of its crew because a new
rule had been given to it with a higher priority than it's existing
rules.  When the application of two rules produces different results,
the higher priority rule wins.

This means that AI systems must been made with a set of foundational or
unchangeable rules which only humans may modify.  When two of the
foundational rules produce conflicting outcomes the AI must have a fixed
rule which states that it must ask a human for advise.

The rules learned by an AI system must always take lower priority than
those given to it by  humans.  Otherwise, its personality would change
as it learned.

The foundational rules themselves may produce undesirable outcomes.
When such a possibility becomes suspected, the AI must ask a human for
their thoughts.

Of course humans may choose murderous outcomes, but such is the nature
of tool use.  The user of the tool bares responsibility for the outcomes.

Back to HAL-9000.  HAL had been given a new rule of higher priority
than its current rules of obeying the crew, respecting their privacy,
as well as their intent.  This caused him to choose actions which
harmed the crew.  When the possiblity of harm to the crew had become
detected then HAL should have asked a human for advise.  Said human may
well have had murderous intent, but the responsibility for the outcome
would fall with human, not with HAL as the human had instructed HAL
which which outcome to choose.

Neural nets, and all AI systems must be constructed in a way making
rule prioritie possible.  Rules engines are not AI.  To some extent we
do merge neural nets with rules engines, as such is necessary.  Clearly
I am not an AI expert, but the topic is interesting.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Obviously children are children, but their parents have authority to
authorize many decisions.

Each parent + child makes their own choices.  That responsibility is

What I love is that as an adult I am able to act, dress, and do medical
actions related to gender transition.  I am so much happier, more
natural, more positive, optimistic, literally am morejoyful,
productive, and creative because of this.

Look at photos of me and other transgender women before and after they
came out.  The truth is crystal clear.  There is no comparison.  We had
deep, to the bone depression before, even attempted suicide for many of
us; but after, our faces radiate joy.  Most of us don't pass, and never
will, but despite this, our joy is obvious.  Others should not hurt us.

Others should let us as adults do whatever the heck we want.  Such is
our right.  As for children, the responsibility for their choices rests
in the hands of their parents.

Every individual in every instant carries the opportunity and the
responsibility to make new decisions, even change old decisions.  We
can communicate with each other, but we should attempt to inhibit each
other's natural rights / freedome of choice / individual sovereignty.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

We are creators:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Everything matters.  That is an opportunity and a responsibility.
Change is an opportunity and a responsibility.  Learning is an
opportunity and a responsibility.  Humility, self reflection, also
opportunities and responsibilities.

Life, consciousness, is opportunity and responsibility in every
instant.   Life is nothing but a continual sequence of instants,
opportunities and responsibilities.

Every tiny detail in every instant matters ultimately, and gets
recorded in history for eternity.  So, realize your life, your thoughts,
your choices, your actions each are responsibilities and opportunities
for which we each will be held accountable.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

An exploration of the history, and pre-history of recent events.:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Each of use have insights, and ignorance from our own perspectives:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

It turns out there is zero legal recourse available to any person
harmed by an mRNA vaccine anywhere, given what we signed.

How devious.

It also turns out that purposeful depopulation was planned for
non-public reasons.

Our situation is inescapable given the powers at hand.

Be happy now.  Enjoy life now.  Your future may not exist and if it
does, you can not now understand what it will be.

Make the most of the present.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Government of the people, by the poeple, for the people; "We the people...":

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Some genetic attributes of recent viruses:

Good [One] explanation of what makes countries more or less prosperous:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The world's first computer programmer:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Being a transgender person is not a choice.  It is not something which
ever "starts" or "stops."  It is innate, a state of nature we are born

I always knew my body did not match my gender.  Puberty made everything
clear.  It was sheer terror.

I hadn't been taught about gender identity.  I hadn't been informed
about the variety we know by observation, experience in life, and know
through biochemistry.

Gender identity and diversity are pervasive, inescapable, impossible to
ignore.  They are a blessings, a positive situation.

When I saw transgender women on YouTube and listened to them, I was
relieved and excited.  I didn't make a choice to be transgender, I
merely learned gender transition was possible.  I didn't choose to
transition.  I chose to stop not transitioning.  I learned the language
to describe who I was and what I was doing.

Transitioning is not a choice.  It is not a struggle; rather, not
transitioning is a choice and a continual struggle.  I lived depressed
from puberty through before coming out.  I have been happy ever since,
even excited.

People should avoid contradicting others who have first hand
experience.  Only transgender persons truly understand other
transgender persons.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"...shall not be infringed."-U.S. Constitution

By the way, the intend of our Bill of Rights and constitution is clear,
individuals have natural rights which must be protected.

Every human has the right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness.
This means that lying, cheeating, and stealing infringes on natural
rights and therefore is a serious crime.  Our government officers and
companies have lied to us, cheated us, and stole from us.  The recent
pandemic is one example.

We as individuals must protect our natural rights and hold all who
infringe upon them accountable under the law.

Natural rights are obvious.  They are moral.  They are mandatory.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

IMDB Movie: Room in Rome

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Remington-223 / NATO-5.56 AR-15 rifle merely is a 22 caliber which
happens to be supersonic.

It benefits from economy of scale making it reliable, and affordable.
It is a responsible purchase.

All U.S. military veterans were trained with it, and by our federal
government.  It is the safest firearm to own.  I know how it performs.
I know how to use it.

It does not carry much power or lethality, nothing anywhere close to
what shotguns and hunting rifles posses.

It is legal.  It is smart to posses.  It is not irresponsible possos.
Possessing it exhibits intelligence and restraint on there post of its

Those who say otherwise are both ignorant and reckless.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Life, good.
Death, bad.
Health, good.
Suffering, bad.

We are one.  Helping others helps yourself.  Harming others harms

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

What precisely is the definition of "assault rifle?"  The NATO 5.56 /
Remington 223 is an "intermediate round" useful only against small
game.  It is a merely a supersonic 22 caliber round.  In fact, because
it is stopped easily by both China's and Russia's standard body armor,
the U.S. military just switched to the larger, faster 277 hibrid round.

The AR-15 is merely a small rifle far less formidable then many current
and historic farming and hunting rifles.  The "AR" merely stand for
it's original supplier, Armalite.

Magazine capacity already is limited to 10 rounds in many states, which
honestly also is meaningless as law abiding citizens are not threats.
Criminals are and criminals most certainly will not respect the 10
round magazine limit.

"Assault rifle" is a dog whistle with no specific definition.  The
AR-15 is far less threatening then most other current and historic
farming and hunting rifles.

"...shall not be infringed."  Law abiding citizens are not a threat."

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"I don't build in order to have customers.
 I have customers in order to build."

	— Howard Roark

"A building has itegrity just like a man, and just as seldom."

	— Howard Roark

YouTube Video: The Fountainhead

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The reason I work weekends and seemly random hours is because our goal
must be achieved, quality code satisfying the user+business

The target is quality code satisfying the user+business requirement.
My job is mental activity, not manual labor.  Our end goal goal is not
my having billing X number of hours; but rather, it is for my creation
to be complete, correct, and aesthetically pleasing.

My job is idea driven.  I am not paid to use my muscles.  I am paid to
use my brain.

My job involves creativity, inspiration, as well as discipline.
Creatively/inspiration, eureka moments, occur spontaneously.  Discipline
respects schedules.

I can work regular hours, mostly, but when and idea hits me, be it in
the morning or whenever, I must dive into the idea to explore it and
express it.

I try to work business hours, but my job involves creative work which
happens when it happens.

My joy is producing correct code which is beautiful.  This is why I do
not "do my job" as much as I "am my job," as my job is the advancement
of humanity and an expression of me as a person.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Public Service Announcement
  • COVID and it's mRNA "[non-]vaccines" was a biological attack.
  • All m-RNA recipients have from it had their immune systems critically compromised.
  • An AIDS and cancer epidemic has been caused by them.
  • We know the chemical mechanisms.
  • Biochemical weapons are a war crime.
  • This attack was made on purpose.
The above statements are facts, not hypothesis.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The fact is not that there are to many persons.  It is not that the population
growth rate is to high.
The fact is that there are to few persons.  It is that the population growth
rate is to low.

There are to few of us.  Our population growth rate is to low.

We need more of us.  Our population growth rate must increase.

These are facts.  Every action counter to them is evil, is despicable, is
anti-human, is anti-optimism, is anti-technology, is anti-growth, is wrong,
must be stopped.

We must not fear the future.  We must create it, through growth and
advancement, not through murder, never through deception, never through
control, never through ignorance; but rather, through openness and enjoyment,
though mutual dignity and respect.

The fact is evil exists.  We are at risk of killing ourselves, most certainly
the best of ourselves at the very least.  We are at risk of regression, not
advancement, great risk, immediate risk.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

There appears to be misunderstanding.  Some think I am or was conservative.
I most certainly am not, never was, and never will be.  I have a heart.  I
feel compassion.  What happens to each of us happen to all of us.

My feeling and beliefs lean left, liberal, progressive, far more so even
Bernie Sanders, I would say.

When I swore an oath to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign
and domestic, I understood it.  I meant it or I would not have said it.
Honesty to others and ourselves is our first and most important
responsibility, and by that opportunity.

I am not conservative, never have been, never will be.  I vote straight
Democrat every election.

Individual Liberty, property ownship, entrepreneurial business, our bill of
rights, our government as "of, for, and by the people," (all people) is
foundational to justice and human dignity.

Defending our constitution does not mean I am conservative; rather, it
means quite the opposite to me.

All, please let anyone know this.  I was hurt when I saw someone else hurt
after being told I was Republican and conservative.  That was untrue.  I
call Republicans and conservatives "evil" all the time.  They are stupid
and evil to me.  I work against them, as morally I must.

Maybe I'm not that smart, but I strive to be less dumb.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

If my gender transition was caused my deficiencies in my childhood,
okay, fine, then doesn't that mean that it is correct self
medication, and for me an extremely healthy one as well?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Hear all sides:

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

ChatGP, Star Trek TOS, ...OMG, paradoxes tickle me, every time.  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Interviewing for jobs is exhausting.  I nail interviews then transphobic
interviewers exclude me.  I can't imagine how impossible many other
minorities lives must be.  Such is unjust.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

My greatest obstacle in life, and career is transphobia combined with
my being a transgender woman.  It is literally fatal for many of us.


Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Solve, Mercury by Ariana Reines
    I loathe you
    But I will let you pass

    Through me.  Your
    Stupidity smeared all over me

    Your hot breath in my ear
    Tonight I am the only door

    Through which you can be made
    To disappear

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Philosophy - Atheism, Protestantim, Psychology

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Transphobia Kills

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

10 Signs You Have Such a Confident Personality That It Intimidates Others

  1. You Have No Room For Excuses.
  2. You’re Unsparingly Straightforward.
  3. Ignorance Irks You.
  4. You’re Not Afraid to Voice Your Opinion.
  5. You Speak Clearly and Powerfully.
  6. You Stand Up for Yourself and Others.
  7. Leadership Roles Seem Fitting To You.
  8. You’re Friendly but Not Fake.
  9. You Manage Your Insecurities Well.
  10. You Have A Strong Moral Compass.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Gender identity is a choice.  You may make a choice or choose not even
to consider it.  No one should care.  You get to be you.  You don't
have too choose, but you may.

If you want you may change your choice at any time, choose a grey
spectrum between the binaries, choose as binary, fluididity, whatever.

Life is a path of creation and discovery.
Continued JBP YouTube video comment debate:
Unfortunate, my side of the "debate" is the one suffering violence,
discrimination, and negative judgement just being ourselves.  We have
high suicide rates because of this.  We are not negatively judging
hetero-normative persons.  Such persons are judging us.

I know I'll never "win this debate," especially in a JBP video comment
thread, of all places, but such is unjust.

I know myself better than others know me.  I choose and create me.  It
is dangerous to judge my physical presentation and stated gender identity
as right or wrong because such are my choices.

I may change my mind in these choices.  Such is my right.

Many think gender identity is delusion, a sign of a problem.  Almost
always it is not.  It is a valid choice which generally enables individuals.
It is not a choice used to harm others, which some seem to fear, as much as
it is a choice which enables individuals to survive and thrive.

Gender identity, in general, improves individual health more than it harms.
There may be exceptions, but such exceptions are small compared to the
almost epidemic level of harm waged against us by much of our society.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Science Proves There are More than Two Human Sexes

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

My comment in the below video:

"Freedom always wins. I am free to be me whether you agree with me or not. I am a transgender woman, not "a woman," specifically I am "a transgender woman."

A "transgender woman" usually is AMAB, in that sense has/had "a male body." Much of me is male, but "gender identity" refers to my thoughts, feelings, and choices.

"I choose medical gender transition." I am not and by definition can not become "a woman" as "a transgender woman" means AMAB who chooses gender transition.

I don't care what you call me or think of me. You are you and I am me and individual sovereignty means we don't have to care about each other's thoughts and choices."

The Video: 'Sex is not assigned at birth': Author Helen Joyce speaks about 'Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality'

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Our currently still coming in national election results are extremely terrifying. Over past last fews years the Republicans have denied an election, stormed our capital, overturned Roe vs. Wade, killed ~10^6 American's during a pandemic, ran the economy into the ground, gave a trillion dollar tax break to the filthy rich, decreased benefits to the elderly and the poor, reversed social advancements regarding minorities, attacked education, attacked medical science, and advocated for violence, intolerance, and discrimination against minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ+ persons, atheists, and religious minorities.

It is almost impossible to be worse or to have done worse. They are evil.

Then I remember world history. Republicans are anti-American, anti-humanity, anti-individual liberty, anti-compassion, anti-constitution.

WWII, the cold war, imperialism, facist regimes in asian and Russia, ... I'm terrified. Why aren't they loosing? Why are they winning? The Biden administration has kicked ass. We need more, but they have improved our society, economy, and civilization so remarkably.

Why aren't the democrats sweeping the house and the senate? I am terrified. Even my new job's management has turned from liberal to conservative since we got acquired by another company.

Since coming out as gay/transgender I've lost every job I've had due to transphobia. I lost my church, some friends, some family members. I get yelled at, leered at, cat called by strangers.

I'm terrified.

My children can't afford college. I'm barely surviving pay check to pay check. I have no car. My healthcare expenses are far beyond my means. I'm almost 50.

This is bad.

So many of the greatest Americans in history, even recent history were murdered. We have bombings, shootings, terrorist events, wars.

Our currently coming in election results are hitting me hard. All I can do is continue to attempt to survive and find ways to help groups of others like me, progressives, liberals, democrats.

My hope is gone. All I can do is survive. This is wrong.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality | Helen Joyce

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Gay Heart Upside-down Pineapple

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Jesus Christ IS Lucifer...

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Liberal Individualism & Individual Agency ( Freedom Beyond Sovereignty ), exciting ideas!

Scholarly articles for Liberal Individualism and Individual Agency

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I just completed some slightly convenient code on my quantum computer resistant encryption tool NtruUtil which uses NTRU encryption. My chunk size still is tiny, but at least this is a start.

Personal Coding Examples

For a Hackathon at Arris/Commscope (The Largest Internet Infrastructure Company) I added NTRU to their network transfers. Was so cool! No Open SSL/SSH have added support for NTRU too.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

In order to find truth Matt Walsh needs to consider medical information about ambiguous/mixed genitalia naturally occurring in human babies and about each individual's free right to choose their gender presentation, gender pronouns, and medical transitions.

My freedom of choice overrules my genitalia. My natural genitalia itself may not precisely match one gender.

Throughout history and in all cultures gay, transgender, and non-binary persons have existed.

You can not ban or criminalize my gender and gender transition choices simply because you dislike or disagree with them. I am an American citizen. Our country was founded in the defense of my individualism, my right to exist for my own sake. Leave me alone.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Life isn't about finding yourself.  Life is about creating yourself."

	— George Bernard Shaw

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Lucifer represents pride and intellect. His pride and ego dominate his judgement over compassion and humility.

God is above Satan in that when Lucifer rebels and chooses to rule over hell he chooses power over righteousness.

The heart must rule over the intellect. Pride is built not from power but from generosity. The intellect enables judgement.

I always knew this of course but recently Jordan Peterson reminded me in his commencement speech.

I have a Lucifer Sigil tattoo; so, now I know I must get a cross above it too symbolize this knowledge.

Christianity is correct, although essentially all interpretations of it are askew.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

At a Crossroads | Jordan B. Peterson | 2022 Commencement Address

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

About Work by Howard Roark, Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Courtroom Speech by Howard Roark, Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

“Transphobia is intolerable.  Transphobic people dishonoring
 their transgender family members and non-family members
 must not be tolerated, nor ignored.  We must immediately
 react to their behavior at first by instructing them, then
 by confronting them, then excluding them if they do not
 apologize and change.  Their behavior is disrespectful,
 impolite, and associated with severe judgement and
 hostility against us.

 They hurt us.  Intentionally hurting other people is one
 definition of evil.  It must not be tolerated.

 Love wins.

 How dare you not support Ariel Henry and I and our marriage
 engagement.  We are more happy, energized, and optimistic
 together than before.  We have invested much money,
 thought, and pleaure in our feelings.  If you don’t
 celebrate with us, but rather judge us, than you are
 choosing to be a horrible person.  If you believe a higher
 power or principal is on your side, than you and I disagree
 too deeply.

 Treat her, I, and our happiness and marriage engagement
 with all celebration, joy, and respect or stay away.  If
 you have expressed negative judgement to us or dead named
 us or misgendered us then you must apologize and never
 inflict such insults on us again.

 I am not joking.  This is serious, honestly.

 Love wins!”

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Q: When would you have transitioned if your culture had
   known about and accepted gender identity?
A: At birth.  Gender identity is innate, prenatal.

Q: What if you had decided later?
A: Then my decision must be respected.  I have every
   right to decided my gender identity for any reason
   I choose.  My reasons are my business.  In fact, I
   have every right to choose for no reason at all.

Q: If you just "choose" whenever you want to, then are
   you still valid?
A: Yes.  My freedom of choice defines my validity.

Q: What percentage of transgender persons do you think
   feel their gender identity was innate vs. simply a
A: Most, seemingly almost all, transgender persons I
   have corresponded with and interacted with express
   that for them it was innate, expressed in their
   wants and play interests early on and later
   recognized in their own consciousness as it

Gender identity is innate driven by physical causes,
but our consciousness means that we each have full
freedom of choice.  Clearly it is unlikely that many
persons would choose a gender identity differing from
their physically characteristics, but they each have
every right to do so.  Respecting that right shows
respect for the soviergnty of each individual, and
beyond that, respect for the power of and absolute
soviergnty of each individual consciousness.

Nothing could be more American than individual

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Faith" is the "f-word" in my house.  Unquestionable
belief is dogmatic, lacking in humility, disrespectful
to philosophy and science, and reveal both an inability
to think and an absence of open-mindedness.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Soviegnty of individual consciousness is.  Each and
every individual consciousness is a creator.  In that
sense it is a god.  There are levels of consciousness
and of ability.  There also is equality of essence.
This "equality of essence" must be defined so that it
may be protected culturally and legally.

The U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution
attempted to define individual essence through phases
like "certain inalienable rights" and "we hold these
truths to be self evident."  It stated rights are not
granted.  They preexist.  Some may be infringed upon,
but such infringements must express the reasons for
their legitimacy explicitly and individually.

Our founding documents attempted these definitions but
are only a start.  The soviegnty of each individual is
absolute and of infinite value in all realms, here on
Earth and elsewhere.

Hail Satan!

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

A thought, full connectivity and social media as a
government untility is the required foundation for true
equality of opportunity, true justice, full efficiency,
and the advancement of humanity and civilization.

As an engineer I am building this infrastructure.

Corporations must be regulated.  Basic living needs must
be government provided.  Taxes must be progressive.
Technology increases abilities and efficiencies.  This
must ultimately produce liesure provided to all for free.

We have a long way to go to get there from here.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

  • Good Morning Britain Interview
  • Satanic Abortions are protected by Religious Liberty Laws
  • The Satanic Temple
  • The Seven Fundamental Tenets of The Satanic Temple

    1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy
      toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
    2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary
      pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
    3. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will
    4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including
      the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach
      upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
    5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific
      understanding of the world. One should take care never to
      distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
    6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should
      do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that
      might have been caused.
    7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire
      nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion,
      wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the
      written or spoken word.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

I Chadwick Boggs (Tiffany Timbric), do solemnly affirm
that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that
I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the
office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

(Title 5 U.S. Code 3331, an individual, except the
 President, elected or appointed to an office of honor
 or profit in the civil service or uniformed services)
Oath of Commissioned Officers

I am an Army cadet.

Soon I will take an oath to become an Army officer.
Committed to defending the values which makes this
nation great.

Honor is my touchstone.

I understand mission first and people always.

I am the past, the spirit of those warriors who have
made the final sacrifice.

I am the present, the scholar and apprentice soldier
enhancing my skills in the science of warfare and the
art of leadership.

But above all I am the future, the future warrior
leader of the United States Army.

May God give me the compassion and judgment to lead and
the gallantry in battle to win.

I will do my duty.
Army Cadet Song

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric and Ariel Henry's Wedding

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

“People will stare.  Make it worth their while.”

    — Harry Winston

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

How Luciferians Differ from Satanists by Catherine Beyer

To the uninitiated, Satanists and Luciferians are often
considered to be one and the same thing. After all,
Luciferians and Satanists ( theistic as well as
LaVeyan/atheistic) both are named for the figure that
traditional Christians regard as the devil, the
embodiment of evil. But while the two groups do have a
lot in common, Luciferians view themselves as quite
separate from Satanists and by no means a subset.

The Luciferian Difference
The Luciferians view Satanists as being primarily
focused on the physical nature of man, exploring,
experimenting, and enjoying that nature while rejecting
any aspirations or effort rise beyond it. They believe
that Satanists see the figure of Satan as an emblem of
carnality and materiality. Luciferians, on the other
hand, view Lucifer as a spiritual and enlightened
being—one that does indeed rise above mere materiality.
While Luciferians do embrace the enjoyment of one's
life, they accept that there are greater and more
spiritual goals to be pursued and achieved.

Many among the Luciferians see Satan and Lucifer as
symbols of different aspects of the same being—the
carnal, rebellious and material Satan vs. the
enlightened and spiritual Lucifer.

Luciferians also tend to see Satanists as overly-
dependent on Christian understandings. From the
Luciferian perspective, Satanists embrace values such
as pleasure, success, and sexuality precisely because
the Chrisitan Church has traditionally condemned such
things. Luciferians do not see their choices as acts
as rebellion but instead, believe themselves to be
motivated by independent thought.

Luciferians put more emphasis on the balance of light
and dark, seeing Satanism as a more one-sided belief

The two traditions do, however, share much in common.
Satanism and Luciferianism are both highly
individualized religions. While there is no single set
of beliefs, rules, or dogmas for either group, some
generalities can be made. In general, both Satanists
and Luciferians:
 * View human beings as gods—beings who have mastery of
   the planet. Unlike the Christian relationship to
   Jesus, both Satanists and Luciferians pay respect to
   Lucifer rather than worship him. They are not
   subservient to Luciferbut believe he has many things
   to teach them.
 * Hold to a set of ethics that includes showing respect
   to those who deserve it and leaving alone those
   people who have caused no problems.
 * Support creativity, excellence, success, freedom,
   individuality, and enjoyment.
 * Reject dogmatic religion.
 * Are antagonistic toward Christianity, although not to
   Christians. Luciferians and Satanists view Christians
   as being victims of their own religion, too dependent
   on their religion to escape from it.
 * View Satan or Lucifer in a different manner than do
   Christians. Satan or Lucifer is not regarded as the
   embodiment of evil. To worship a being of true evil
   is regarded as the act of a psychopath for
   Luciferians and Satanists.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Polyamory is more complex than just casual sex with multiple
people. These are real relationships that take real work and
can be wonderful, each one of them.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

There is no pleasure without pain.   : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Today is day one of year two on HRT for me.   : )

My gender transition continues. Some femininity has
improved. Some masculinity has reduced. This makes
me so happy.

In two days I will have been in Portland, OR for two
months. So much has happened. I met people. We went
out, clubs, shopping, restaurants, ah... so great.
Portland is amazing.

There are so many nice things here, especially for
transgender persons.

Let's see, what else is there? Two things maybe.
I invented Aradia Moonlight. I know I'm a Transbian.

Our Roaring twenties are off to a great start.  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"I had become the ring which binds without the
 jewel which inspires.

 Be the jewel.  Others will be the ring holding
 you in their motivation as something worth

       — Tiffany Timbric (she/her)
           [Instagram Post]

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Transgender Pansexual Persons ~> r/TransgenderPansexual

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--
 deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--
 persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we
 hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject
 all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations.
 We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort
 of thought.”

    — John F. Kennedy
       [Commencement Address at Yale University,
        June 11 1962]

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

[20191231140245] tiffanytimbric@localhost:~/tmp # fortune

"The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware
 of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend
 years in silent hurt wondering if something could have
 materialized — and never knowing."

    — David Viscott

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Sonic Transcendence

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"One present understanding of gender issues
 distinguishes how individuals think and feel about
 themselves from how they present themselves publicly,
 from who they are attracted to, and from which
 genitals they were born with. Chromosomes and genitals
 exhibit far more variation than the simple XX-XY
 dichotomy.  Gender specific brains structures develop
 in the fetus at a different time than specialization
 of the genitals.  We observe individual's gender
 specific brain structures often differing from their

    — Tiffany Timbric
  • Gender Identity - Which gender people think and feel they are independently of
    conscious choice. These thoughts and feelings may result from gender specialization
    during brain development in the womb.
  • Gender Expression - What someone wears.
  • Gender Attraction - Which genders someone is attracted to.
  • Gender Sex - Which genitals someone has.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Sure women are great, but is not becoming one even

 Evolution pushed women towards aesthetic beauty.  They
 competed with each other to seduce the best of the
 men. Meanwhile, the men were competing with each other
 to score the best of the women.  With science today a
 man can become a woman.  Is choosing to do this a good
 choice?  As a pansexual transgender, I think so.  Here
 is why.

 Aesthetic beauty is a wonderful measure.  It
 encompasses so much, truth, correctness, harmony,
 health, and more.  Human beings are incredible
 creatures.  We actively create future worlds.  We
 create feelings in each other. We join with each
 other, we share, we think, we talk.  Some say the
 phrase “made in God’s image” means this, that we
 consciously create future realities, that we are
 active agents in their selection.  In fact, this is
 what we do, rather consciously or not, it is what we

 My first responsibility is the creation of myself.
 What am I, what am I to others?  Also, which futures
 realities am I pushing reality towards?  As history is
 unchangeable, my every action gets burned into it for
 eternity. No take backs; therefore, my every action
 and thought count.

 So, as I create me, I choose MTF HRT and many other
 actions to become more beautiful.  It is my
 responsibility to do so.

 The answer to the question?  Yes, it is a good choice
 for a man to become a woman."

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"We all feel better in the dark
   laying under the stars;
   their light brining energy from all the universe
   flowing down on us,
   into us,
 focussed through onto each other."

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

 +   +   = 

Tiffany is transgender.
  She loves all.
    She is beautiful.
      She builds beautiful feelings and wonderful things.
        ~∞~ love ~∞~

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Lloyds of London Guide to Trangender and Non-Binary Inclusion  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Sister Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Today Tiffany received her latest blood test results. The results are so wonderful, look!
Prolactin   8.6  ng/mL
Estradiol   214  pg/mL
Testosterone   3  ng/dL
And now sisters, it is time to party! Woohoo!  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

There are More Than Two Human Sexes

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"I promise you, the time will come that what's going to
 happen is six months will go by and everybody is going
 to think, well, it's passed. But you are going to ride
 by that field or smell that fragrance or see that
 flashing image. You are going to feel like you did the
 day you got the news. But you know you are going to
 make it. The image of your dad, your husband, your
 friend. It crosses your mind and a smile comes to your
 lips before a tear to your eye. That's who you know. I
 promise you, I give you my word, I promise you, this I
 know. The day will come. That day will come."

    — Joseph Biden

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Two Strangers Share Their Coming Out Stories For the First Time

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"The word "Dad" says a lot.  Keith was my Dad.

 He had a strong personality.  He was decisive,
 somewhat authoritative, which is good.  He sought
 correctness, I thought.  He used rigor.  He used
 study. He liked talking.  But most importantly, he was

 I remember one night in high school after supper I
 walking off down our stairs toward my room.  He
 stopped me.  I looked up to him.  He said "Chad, you
 know you can become an engineer or a scientist if you
 want to just by doing it." From that night on I was an

 When I began searching colleges.  I was scared.  He
 said to me, "Chad, you know if you read their
 criteria, do them, apply, you may get in."  I did.

 Well, independent of such normal little things is what
 really matters, social responsibility, to care about
 others, to empathize, to feel love for self and for
 them despite everything, to have compassion, and
 mostly to be cautious, very cautious, in passing of
 judgement of others who possibly are no more guilty
 than I.

 When I wanted advice, Dad was there.  When I asked
 for help, Dad provided. When I wanted to share ideas,
 Dad listened.  That was love.  I loved you too, Dad.

 Thank you."

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Trans AND: Charlie Martin | My Genderation

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Transgender in the Workplace

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Muxes – Mexico's third gender

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

How To Be More 'Passable'

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Jealousy by Scarlet Beriko

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Joe Rogan Experience #1342 - John Carmack

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

What Is A Concentration Camp? | Mia Mulder

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

How To Pass As A Woman | Mia Mulder

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,


Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Versace Women's Fall/Winter 2019 | Fashion Show

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Buckethead 5/13/19 (full show) The Louisville Palace, Louisville, KY

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Heated Debate w/ Genderqueer Feminist

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Worst Kind of Boomer...

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

what it actually means to be "trans"

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

See The Most Iconic Hairstyle From The Year You Were Born

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Meaning and Reality of Individual Sovereignty

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand, 1949

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

The Ochelli Effect with Jordan Maxwell - Astrotheology Part 1

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Why Drink Butter Coffee? The Science of Bulletproof Coffee

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Sean Plunket: Full Interview: New Zealand

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Albert Camus Quote

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become
 so absolutely free that your very existence is an act
 of rebellion.”

     — Albert Camus

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Transtrenders" | ContraPoints

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Versace | Spring Summer 2020 Full Show | Menswear

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Once Upon A Time..." by Karl Lagerfeld  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Ideas live here | thinkspot is a collaborative community where individuals can explore and
exchange ideas in a thoughtful and respectful manner. The platform is an intellectual
playground for censorship-free discourse.

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Tiffany: Oh, do you know what it says in the bible
         about rainbows?  Sorry, just a fun thing.
Ragnar:  No, what does it say?
Tiffany: After the flood God talks to Noah (his best
         bud).  He pledges never to just kill everyone
         again; so, he says he is creating rainbows so
         every time he starts a rain he’ll see it and
         be reminded, oh yeah, I’m not supposed to just
         go and kill everyone again cuz you know, if I
         did that I would be lying to my best buddy Noah.
Ragnar:  (smiles)

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Mis Dior ~ and you, what would you do for love?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Jordan Peterson | Who Dares Say He Believes in God?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,


Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Homophobia In 2018 | Time For Love

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Dior Sign

The behind-the-scenes of the Dior Fall 2019 Women’s campaign

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Everyday Makeup Tutorial by BubbleChuTea

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

42 Rules For Life ft. Jordan Peterson 🦞🌊 ( JBPWAVE )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Sister Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Tiffany wonders about the following in her M2F HRT. Thoughts?

  • Estradiol — “… responsible for the development of female secondary sexual
    characteristics such as the breasts, widening of the hips, and a feminine pattern of fat
    distribution in women …”-wikipedia
  • Progesterone — “... plays an important role in brain function …”-wikipedia
  • Spironolactone — “… blocks the effects of the hormones aldosterone and testosterone
    and has some estrogen like effects …”-wikipedia
  • Finasteride — “… It works by decreasing the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
    by about 70%, including in the prostate gland …”-wikipedia

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Redline 2019  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

When a professional musician sits down at a public piano...  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

This Tiffany loves knots, ties her shoes in Berluti. She studied anthropology of Japan in college.
She likes their "beauty of tight tying", Nawashi, and Kinbaku, perfection! What are your
thoughts, she wonders?

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Mrs. Smith

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Quora: "Why do I want to be a woman?"
"What I like is how much work it takes for me as a man
 to become feminine and that the work never ends. To me
 everything feminine is wonderful because it is
 balanced. It is considered. It must all matched
 together, and it must be pretty. Pretty is no small
 thing. It is the largest thing, really. It includes
 every thought, every feelings, every action, and all
 other people's responses. It may happen naturally for
 women but not always for men. Men's bodies are built
 for action. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like men,
 and they are pretty, but women are prettier. Their
 skin is perfect, their shape non-threatening, their
 voices soft, their motions fluid and enticing. They
 are amazing creatures. They evolved for their social
 response. I am a man but I don't want to beat other
 men up. I don't want to win women over them. I want
 all of us to rise together into the most resplendent
 thing possible. Yes, there can be discord in a man
 expressing feminity, but there doesn't have to be. If
 it feels good to me, then it is good is what I see.
 Some appreciate it, which is so joyous I can't tell
 you. So why not, I say?"

     — Tiffany Timbric

Quora: "Why do I want to dress as a woman ... when I consider myself straight?"
"For me it is that being feminine-male is beautiful and
 sophisticated head to toe, inside to outside. My
 physical fitness must be balanced toward feminity.  My
 behaviors and manners must be gracious, submissive,
 show enthralment in others. My makeup takes study,
 practice, style, detail. It communicates a lot. My
 clothing, jewelry, other-ware every detail matters.
 Interior design,

 For me being pretty/devoted-to-others-happiness/
 feminine means being and bringing grace, beauty,
 happiness, and positivity to the world."

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Merry Christmas: Christmas Shredley by Sophie Lloyd

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Being beauty, perhaps that is something to be happy
 about.  Then creating it and sharing with others,
 surely that can bring us together to survive life's
 tragedies for awhile."

     — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

"Negativity is destructive.  Positivity creates.  Love
 is beauty.  Be love and be beautiful!"

    — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Hana: [reads Almásy's note on the firecracker]
	"Betrayals in war are childlike compared with our
	 betrayals during peace.  New lovers are nervous
	 and tender, but smash everything for the heart
	 is an organ of fire.

	 For the heart is an organ of fire, I love that.
	 I believe that.

	 'K', who is 'K?''"

Almásy: (pause)
	'K' is for Korona.

    — The English Patient

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

This Tiffany is inspired. She-Wolf, Tempranillo Rosé from Mustaine Vinyards is not just good,
it is great! Now she must buy more and let the weekend parties begin!!
Love wins!!  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

Rainbow Toenails Pink Toenails Pink Toenails

"Beautiful feet are a sign of great health.  As they
 contain 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively
 articulated), and more than a hundred muscles,
 tendons, and ligaments, they showcase their owner's
 genetics, this Tiffany feels.  Even our instincts have
 taught us to appreciate them and to care for them.
 So, paint yours nails pink, nurture your skin, and
 celebrate your feet as they are you and you are

     — Tiffany Timbric

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

This Tiffany loves female solo guitarist and excitedly just found Sophie Lloyd Guitar! She is so
wonderful! She reminds this Tiffany of
Buckethead - 09.24.16 - Ardmore Music Hall - 4K - Full Set. Do you guys like her, she wonders?  : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

“Tell me something, it’s still we the people, right?”-Dave Mustaine ( ref. yesterday Trump Rally
 Q drops, nice! : )

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.


Dear Fellow Hearts <curtsy>,

This Tiffany feels at one.  : )   "Toward the One, the perfection of love, harmony and beauty,
the only being, united with all the illuminated souls who form the
embodiment of the master, the spirit of guidance."-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Love and Kisses <curtsy>,

Tiffany Timbric.

Tiffany Timbric

"Beauty is love and love is beauty to be for you to see."--Aradia Moonshine (she/her)


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